Product Details

Mouse Pad - Rectangle Shape
Mouse Pad, 1/4" x 7.75" x 9.25". White Polyester material with open cell black rubber backing for cushioning. This sturdy rectangular pad can be personalized with photos for a great gift item. Send Andilla your photos, text, logo or image and let us create an unique personalized gift for that special person! Use your personalized mouse pad at your school or office desk and always have your special memories close by you. Give Dad that personalized Mouse Pad with the family photo, special pet, or special occasion!
Item # MP89
Weight: 0.25 pounds
Price: $5.50

Personalization: *
Enter instructions on how you want your item personalized.
If you have an image you would like to include please upload it. Click here for list of vaild file types.
Additional Comments/Instructions:
Please tell us where you would like your photo/artwork positioned on the item (front/back/etc) and where to place the personalization text. For example: "Place the artwork on the front with the personalization below it".

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